Friday, November 19, 2010

Metal Clay Beads

I wanted to share some of the things I've made in my metal clay class.

These are my dry construction boxes. In a previous post I posted some images of the box before construction and firing.


Here is a pendant I made out of copper. It's the first time I've ever used copper, I liked it. It was easy and can be fired with a torch so you don't need a kiln, and it doesn't seem to melt when using the torch.

This is bronze lentil beads which I will make into earrings at some point. Bronze is more difficult to use but only because you cannot use a torch to fire it and have to use a kiln which I do not have.

The final bead here is a square hollow bead that I've hung pearl and citrine from.

Changing my Name

I've decided to change my name. No not my name, but my business name. Fowler Graphics is fine, but Fowler Jewelry is not catchy. I think it's too stiff. Mom and Orna have given me some good ideas and I've narrowed it down to something I like, Jewels by Design. Problem though. I did a Google search and found way too many of them. Jewelry by Design also won't work. Jewels by Daliah might, but I did find a Dahlia Jewels which is awfully close and would people be able to tell the difference? People who know ME would, but others probably not. That is a problem.

Any ideas? I open to them all and may or may not use anything. I figure I have to the end of the year to make the decision. I'll finish out this year with this name, easier for taxes and filing and such. Then start the new year out with a bang as they say. Hahaha

Other than that, not much has been going on. I have been going to and shopping at many holiday festivals. I need to check them out and see if I should apply to be a vendor in them next year. There are so many shows that my friend and I are busy every weekend. It's been crazy busy. This weekend proves to be just as busy if we let it. Later today we might go to the Arlington Peddler show. This weekend is Trade Days in McKinney which she and I have been talking about attending for months. I really want to go but it seems to get squished out by all the other events we do go to. I am going to apply to Holiday Gift Market at Fair Park. It is this December 4th and I have till the 23rd to get my application in. It took me a while to decide to do it and now I need to fax it in with my payment. It's always scary for me to make this commitment. Will I sell enough to make up for my booth fee. Will I have enough jewelry to sell? Such dilemmas.

Last night we had our final metal clay jewelry class. It was a fun evening with cats and food, not a good mixture but I love cats so it was great. For me at least. We had one final project, enameling our silver pendant. It is harder than it looks and more time consuming than you'd think. Enameling with glass uses water and once the water evaporates, what you think filled a space, now doesn't and you have to add more. You could easily do the process 3 times if not more. I'll post a picture of my pendant once I have it sanded and shiny again.

 One of the woman brought a book on copper jewelry she has. I need to buy it. She's made some very cool and fun pieces from the book. I think she made the bracelet on the cover or something similar. Very neat and fun.