Monday, October 18, 2010

Display struggles and insights

I am in the process of designing my booth display. I found this wonderful website/blog, I'm not sure which. Blog I think. Anyway, I love the authors display idea. It is small and she can set the entire display up by herself in about 30 minutes. It is perfect for me since I will usually be by myself. I need light and easy.

This is actually the display I'm copying, I hope she's OK with that. I'll still make it my own. I have most of what I need. I still need easel backs for the necklaces and risers. I was finally able to find where to buy them. I'm sure desperation was the motivation to discovering the needed Google search terms which without you can't find anything.

I did a small show this past weekend at a local senior home and realized I still had issues to resolve. First I need to be able to display on one table as easily as on two. The plate stands I bought for the necklaces did not work, necklaces kept falling over. I also need a way to display earrings. I have a big metal turny earring display, but I feel it is too big. It's really not soo big, but it holds so much and I find it overwhelming. Orna suggested rice as a display element. I've been mulling that over and maybe a bowl with rice can hold a business card upright with the earrings on it.

Then I saw this and I want it. I thought maybe I could build it myself. Really not sure how well that would work out. I do want it to actually be square and stand. Then I remembered I have a Dad who builds furniture. I'll let you know what he says. I might go there for Thanksgiving and can bring it back, or it's light enough to mail.

My booth at Senior home festival on October 15, 2010

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