Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Last night was my metal clay jewelry class. I felt a bit of accomplishment since I was able to turn in my dry constructed box. Well turn in isn't really the correct way to put that, I gave it to the instructor to be fired. I spent a good deal of time sanding the edges to get them smooth and try to make it look seamless, but I don't think I was successful in the seamless part. So far I'm very happy with it.

I am now working on my shell ring. I drilled a small hole through the shell and the ring in order to put a fine silver wire through it. A half drilled pearl will go on that wire. I'll post pictures of it a little later today.

I am told that Hobby Lobby has a rubber tipped tool to use for pushing the clay around with, so I'm going to head over there in a little while. You use this tool in place of your finger for tight areas. I find that I am constantly looking for new tools and new stamps to use as patterns or shapes for my clay designs.

OK, so this has nothing to do with jewelry or anything, but my dog Tasha wants to be close so she is under my desk. There is no room for an 80 lb. dog, but she doesn't appear to notice or care. And yes those are cords to my computer and monitor and printer and all the things that it would be very bad for me if she yanked on with her huge head or front paws.

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